Online Workstation Backup

Simple cloud backup for your workstation.  Take peace of mind knowing that your data is backed up, secure, safe and backups just work, every time, all the time.
  1. 250GB of space 
  2. Backup once daily 
  3. 265 bit AES Encryption 
  4. PCI, HIPPA, ISO Compliance 
  5. Backup to a secure cloud
  6. Storage Region of Your Choice (eg Sydney, Singapore, etc) for compliance and regulation purposes 
  7. Storage for 30 days (warm) 
As this is a managed service, a Ninja backup agent is required. Restores are provided through a support ticket via our service desk. 
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Online Workstation Backup
Product Details
Cloud level security
Security at rest and in transit. We use 256 BIT (military grade) encryption for data being transported from your computer to the cloud using machine to machine transport with no human intervention.

Within the cloud we are using a second layer of encryption for  your data at rest so your data is secure. 

Access to your data is governed by several layers of procedure, policy and restricted access. Access  is restricted to a single console that is technician access only, protected through secure login, MFA and a 3rd level or identity checks.

We use an incremental block level backup process so storage is minimised and only changes to files are replicated to the cloud. This saves bandwidth, time and space for more storage.

Choose what you want restored. A single file, a folder or a a full bare-metal image of your PC or Mac.

Restoring your data is via managed solution only, performed on request, by one of our technicians so you can rest assured that access to your data is a complaint process.

We utilise  active endpoint image restores with revokable authorisation keys, safeguarded by MFA, and is SOC-2 compliant.

Ninja Agent required.
This solution requires our Ninja agent.
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